SerialTrainer7 - Simon Hares
Simon Hares - SerialTrainer7

About SerialTrainer7

About SerialTrainer7

Thanks for visiting my site it is great to have you here, have you read any of my blogs?  I am a Bath based Training Consultant and Coach and I like developing people, a lot. In fact nothing really motivates me more that seeing people use something they have learned from me, and really benefitting from it, if they can pass on the skill to someone else, better still.  Then it feels like an echo, and that really makes me happy. My business ethos is 'getting you there faster and leaving you there better'.

Experienced Trainer & Coach

I have over twenty years experience in training people, whether one to one in a room with coffee, or in a group environment.  Like you, I have also attended a lot of training courses, some really good, few truly amazing, and on occasion something so unique it has changed the very way I live my life. Please have a look at my Clients & Testimonials page also.

Oh about my life, I live in Bath, beautiful city, lovely in the sun, dazzling.  I have an amazing partner and he and I are the proud Dads of, what we believe, to be the best little red dog in whole wide world.  He is brilliant.  I like food too, and fitness, addicted to it is fair to say, oh and I can often be found having quiet time, with a book and a decent, very strong cup of coffee.


Blogging about Training, Coaching and more

My blog page is about training, what I like, what I don't, what works and what often just doesn't, why? cos it is not in the 'real world'.  I live in the 'real world', so do you, and so do the people I train.  Until recently I worked as the Head of Training (grand huh? not really) for a brilliant media company in Bath and had done so for the last 16 years.  My job allowed me to train the amazing people here in the UK, and also in the offices in Sydney and San Francisco. With this experience and my previous years in training people I am now in a position to work with you, taking you on my 'Journeys' as I call them, developing you to further heights and maximising your strengths. Notice I call my courses 'journeys' as the relationship with a trainer should not be a one off, but continued contact and support, something I am proud to offer all of my clients.

SerialTrainer7 Social Networks

So if you would like read my ramblings about all things training, then welcome, to the Serial Trainer 7. Oh and follow me on my LinkedIn account here.

You can get in touch with me too if you like or call 07979 537824.


Need Professional Coaching or Training?

Finally, I would like to say that I believe that my skills as trainer are exemplary. Why? Well I believe that training should be excellent, relevant, deliver value and definitely make a difference; either to someone's skills and ability or the impact on the behaviour. However I don't want you to take my word for it, so why not click on over to my LinkedIn page or have a look at my testimonials page and have a read of some the wonderful comments that people have taken the time to write, they are really quite super. I am a lucky man. Thanks for visiting, y'all come back now, I'll be here.