Management & Leadership Training
The Management Essentials Programme
A training experience for managers of all levels tailored to their own experience level, be it potential manager, supervisor, entry level stepping up to management, experienced or well seasoned, the course covers each of the fundamental skills required by the manager enabling them to manage their team. The course the switches focus and addresses the team they manage using the key processes available to them. Enriched with real experience with no management lingo to confuse, this is the ultimate training programme to develop your managers and future leaders.
Time Management & Personal Effectiveness for Managers
There never seems to be enough time to get things done. List of tasks get longer, interruptions and distractions get more frequent and prioritising just flies out of the window. This course is tailored specifically with managers in mind and has its foundations in core principles and ‘real life’ habits delivered by a self confessed control freak (!) with the outcome always to be ruthless with time, yet consistently gracious with people.
Identifying Stress & Building Personal Resilience
Stress is a reaction, whether we choose to think of it as good or bad depends on the individual. Some people thrive on stress, others crumble. This course does more than offer advice in healthy eating, getting exercise and an early night (!) Whilst all useful often people need a different approach that will bring that all important element of control back into their working or personal life. That element is Mindfulness, a powerful technique to keep people thinking about the ‘hear and now’ rather than ‘what could have been’ or ‘what could be’. This course can be tailored to managers wanting help in identifying and preventing negative stress or for employees and team members wanting support when things get tough.
Building Personal Confidence & Assertiveness for Managers
For as long as I have been on this earth, I have yet to meet anyone who does not want to be more confident or be more assertive. Often managers wear a mask that hides their insecurities and self doubt leading to them feeling isolated, and concerned about asking for help. This non judgement course creates a safe and comfortable environment for managers to share their concerns and learn some essential life-skills to build up their confidence to help them deal with situations that otherwise might be difficult for them.
Recruitment Excellence
Recruiting the right people takes time and effort, and the process needs to be robust and compliant in an ever changing landscape of rules and regulations. Looking at each of these areas and exploring differing techniques in interviewing, creating job description, candidate attraction and management, Recruitment Excellence gives managers, supervisors and HR professionals the tools to carry out this essential function.
Leading an Effective Appraisal or Performance Review
Managers often need support and guidance when faced with annual performance review or appraisal. This course gives attendees the specific tools required to effectively manage this process and deliver a meaningful review to each member of their team, not forgetting themselves of course!
Building Leadership Skills
Organisations invest heavily in developing their managers into effective leaders. These leaders will then shape the business, lead teams through times of change, develop processes and manage individuals to peak performance. Well that is the plan anyway! This course takes managers on a journey into leadership skills using modern approaches and techniques based on the finest examples.
Effective Team Building Skills
If you have a team of people who need a day together to forge stronger relationships or as a precursor to a specific project then this may well be for you. Alternatively you might be a manager who has just inherited a new team and want to get to know their personalities, strengths and potential weaknesses. Individually crafted for each organisation, effective team building is essential for managers who want to push their teams to greater heights.
We worked with Simon to roll out a large scale digital learning initiative. He designs and employes comprehensive processes that drive amazing results. He has a real grasp of what needs to be done to make something a success.Jonny Towsnend Operations Director. Circus Street

Contact SerialTrainer7 Ltd
To find out more about how this course can benefit your managers then please email simon@serialtrainer7.com, call Simon on 07979 537824 or use the form below. Thank you for considering the services of SerialTrainer7 Ltd.