Soft Skills Training
Management & Leadership Development
On this page you will find a suite of training designed to cover the fundamental skills required for supervisors, managers and leaders. Each course is tailored to the needs of your business.
Sales Training
Every business has a commercial side, and sales training is vital to ensure that competitive advantage is maintained. Whether your team need sales process, negotiation skills or presentation skills you will find it all here and a lot more.
Time Management & Project Management
These two popular courses are often required as a result of an appraisal or performance review. As such these courses have a focus on the practical everyday real world requirements of individuals and businesses.
Stress Management
Whether your managers need to be more aware of stress in their teams, or if you have individuals who need some specific help in either anticipating or coping with stress, then look no further. This course looks at some of the best methods of preventing stress from occurring and introduces Mindfulness as a potential solution to help people through a stressful time.
Communication Skills for Business
Being an effective communicator is vital on so many levels; for some people it is about feeling confident for others just getting their point across clearly and succinctly, either in verbal or written form. This course covers the key elements required to be a better communicator. An advanced communication skills course is also available
Train the Trainer
With training budgets getting smaller, and time to train people becoming scarce, many businesses look to develop their own internal talent as a source of excellent training in the form of trainers, coaches and mentors. Delivered by a trainer with over 20 years experience in developing people and using the core principles of training delegates are trained to understand how to design, deliver and evaluate training for themselves.
Presenting Magically
This popular course is a real confidence booster and is called Presenting Magically due to the transformation that delegates go through during the day. The course looks to understand the process of presenting and helping people overcoming nerves and worry before, during and after a presentation. Learning the skills of creating a prevention using an easy format, body language skills and communication skills that will leave the competition standing and the presenter basking in the the applause.
Negotiation Skills for Non-Sales People
Negotiation doesn’t just happen in sales. Indeed we negotiate with suppliers, contributors even our partners and children, but what is the best approach. Using the focus of a little give & take this course teaches the skills of negotiation helping to create a win win outcome. Applying a straightforward route map this course gives attendees everything they need to negotiate confidently in business or their personal lives.
Managing Time and Personal Effectiveness
There never seems to be enough time to get things done. List of tasks get longer, interruptions and distractions get more frequent and prioritising just flies out of the window. This course is tailored specifically with these issues in mind and has its foundations in core principles and ‘real life’ habits delivered by a self confessed control freak (!) with the outcome always to be ruthless with time, yet consistently gracious with people.
Making Your C.V. Work Harder
A special service I offer to people who need an effective C.V., yet do not know where to start. This service involves SerialTrainer7 analysing your C.V. and creating a report of key actions, recommendations, specific wording, structure and layout that all need to be included in a C.V. to make it stand out from the competition. Once implemented, the resulting C.V. will really work hard on a candidate’s behalf. The service does not involve SerialTrainer7 creating your C.V. , just the report. This is due to many employers recognising a professionally written C.V. therefore losing the candidates own ‘voice’. Once the C.V. has been rewritten SerialTrainer7 will then carry out a number of checks to ensure the document is effective.
Stress Management
Stress is a reaction, whether we choose to think of it as good or bad depends on the individual. Some people thrive on stress, others crumble. This course does more than offer advice in healthy eating, getting exercise and an early night (!) Whilst all useful often people need a different approach that will bring that all important element of control back into their working or personal life. That element is Mindfulness, a powerful technique to keep people thinking about the ‘hear and now’ rather than ‘what could have been’ or ‘what could be’. This course can be tailored to individuals wanting help in identifying and preventing negative stress or for themselves and needing support when things get tough.
Communication Skills
Many people want to be better at getting along with others. Sometimes they struggle with the initial stages of building rapport, others in maintaining conversations. For many people, there are issues around getting a point across, or giving bad news or feedback to people in more senior positions. Help is at hand. Using some fundamental skills in rapport building, NLP and body language the course looks build delegates confidence by helping them to understand the signals and use language more effectively.
Advanced Communication Skills - Influence, Power & Dependancy
Some people are very good at communicating but feel they could be better. There are times when there is a need to work with people and influence them in a way that doesn’t come across as bossy or negative but more subtlety. Influencing skills has its roots in power and this course helps delegates understand how power works with influence to create its own specific outcome; dependance.
Assertiveness and Confidence Building
For as long as I have been on this earth, I have yet to meet anyone who does not want to be more confident or be more assertive. Often managers wear a mask that hides their insecurities and self doubt leading to them feeling isolated, and concerned about asking for help. This non judgement course creates a safe and comfortable environment for managers to share their concerns and learn some essential life-skills to build up their confidence to help them deal with situations that otherwise might be difficult for them.
I first met Simon in the Summer of 2019 during our face to face training course. This year we had a new focus on refreshing our skills and due to COVID the course was covered virtually and I had initial reservations. I can honestly say I did not need to worry. There was no death by powerpoint just a wealth of knowledge delivered in an interactive way that left me with tactics I could use implement immediately. Simon has a way of making everyone feel an important and equal part of the conversation. Simon is authentic, likeable and talks with passion that cannot fail to excite you, rare among the trainers I have seen over the years! Thank you!Helen Johnson Business Development Manager, isGroup Signs

Email SerialTrainer7 Ltd or call 07979 537824
To discuss your businesses skills training and development please email simon@serialtrainer7.com, call Simon on 07979 537824 or use the form below. Thank you for considering the services of SerialTrainer7 Ltd.