Trick or Treat – Does Your Employer Care or Scare?

Hallowe’en comes around quicker and quicker don’t you think? We still have groups coming around each year dressed up in spooky outfits, with adorable made up faces and armed with little buckets ready to be filled with sweets and good things, and that is just the adults!

Self Motivation-Sinking Ship or Cruising Nicely?

Self -Motivation-Bobbing Along Buoyantly or Aboard a Sinking Ship? Hello there, how are you? How are things in your world? Finding anything difficult or challenging right now? Are you getting along quite well and feel OK in yourself? What really gets you out of bed in the morning?

Advocacy 2 – What Are Your Staff Saying About You?

Advocacy Part 2-What are your Staff saying about you right now? In my previous blog I rambled on about advocacy from customers and its importance.  This stimulated a comment from a reader about internal advocacy from staff.

Appraisals – Not Just a Tick in a Box

Appraisals – Not Just a Tick in a Box The appraisal. A meeting that needs to happen every so often between a manager and an employee with a view to evaluating the performance of the latter against the expectation of the former.  These meetings are so important, yet the more people I talk to about… Read More

Think You’re Entitled? – Think Again.

Think You’re Entitled? – Think again… Have heard about the latest disease that is creeping into our society? It is very contagious and is reaching almost pandemic levels. Sufferer’s symptoms include a true belief in their own hype with feelings of extreme resentment if rejected or let down, a deep sense of expectation…somehow without any… Read More

The Management Threat – Not the Person, the Process.

  The Management Threat – Not the Person, the Process. “Threat. ‘A person or thing likely to cause damage or danger’ –‘ a statement of an intention to inflict pain, injury or damage or other hostile action on someone in retribution for something done or not done.” Threat is a strong word, and when you… Read More