Customer Service is not contained to Customer Service Teams

Customer Service is not contained to Customer Service Teams.   You’ve heard of the saying that customer service is an attitude not a department right? Why is it that many companies forget this?   One of the problems is that they have a customer service team who need to interact with other departments that in… Read More

Nil Points – How Do You Bounce Back from Defeat?

Anyone who is reading this will know how much I love Eurovision. It is a truly happy and inclusive event that truly celebrates diversity.  Nothing exemplifies the adage of ‘it’s not the winning but taking part’ like this glorious event. That said, our hearts go out to James Newman who sang his heart out with… Read More

Building Personal Confidence – The Complete Mini-Series

Building Personal Confidence – The Complete Mini – Series “Confidence isn’t walking into a room with your nose in the air, thinking you are better than everyone else, it’s walking into a room and not having to compare yourself to anyone else in the first place.” Anon Whatever you do and wherever you are, there are… Read More

Damp Squib or Rocket? What Personalities are In Your Team?

What type of team do you work in? No doubt there are lots of different personalities within it, some you like, some not so much. Teams are made up of so many different types and I thought as it is November 5th, that it would be fun to create some personalities based on the most… Read More

Do You Speak LinkedIn?

Have you ever received a message on LinkedIn from a member like this one? Infuriating right. Who really speaks this way? It appears that more and more people are learning this new language, and it would appear to be coming from LinkedIn. As you can see from this image the only people qualified to ‘reach… Read More

Managers – Have We Taken Our Eye Off Of The Ball?

Have We Taken Our Eye Off of The Ball? We live in a funny time, employers have never been so cautious about their employees. It is almost like they are living in perpetual fear of recrimination. We cannot say this We cannot do that Will we upset them What if they cry

What Are The 2 Reasons Why Managers Fail?

What Are The 2 Reasons Why Managers Fail? At SerialTrainer7 I get to meet, coach and train so many managers and it is such a privilege to work with such talented people.  Along the way conversations are had that can be quite challenging, especially when we discuss their own performance as a manager and what… Read More

Are You Happy with Your Decision Making Skills?

Are You Happy With Your Decision Making Skills? Arguably one of the greatest skills a person can have is to make effective decisions. It has direct links with problem solving and we look for it in Managers and Sales People and in ourselves in day-to-day life; we are all faced with having to make decisions,… Read More

Managers Managing Manager’s Management

Managers Managing Manager’s Management Managers Managing Management’s Management Management’s Management Managing Management So many variants, so many things that can be done with the M words! I suppose in one way or another they all mean the same thing, managing the management. I will stop this now, please do read on…