Damp Squib or Rocket? What Personalities are In Your Team?

What type of team do you work in? No doubt there are lots of different personalities within it, some you like, some not so much. Teams are made up of so many different types and I thought as it is November 5th, that it would be fun to create some personalities based on the most… Read More

Teamwork – Bunkers, Goals and a lot of Racquet!

Teamwork – Bunkers, Goals and a lot of Racquet! So much sport going on right now, Wimbledon, check. World Cup, so last week. Now The Open! OK we might not be winning it all, but hey with a splendid summer in full flow, the sunshine can make everything better. Sunshine provides us with massive doses… Read More

Management Training- All Sheep Dip & Bulls**t Lingo?

  Management Training-All Sheep Dip & BullShit? or Something That Needs An Overhaul? Wow, I have really had my eyes opened about management training recently. There is a saying that a little bit of knowledge in the wrong hands is a dangerous thing, well imagine what happens when you have a lot of it!

The Leader Manager’s Journey Agenda

How do I become a better Leader Manager?  The Leader Manager’s Journey  “Whatever type of manager you are, be a good one.” Abraham Lincoln The Overall Message The manager has a role that can be as tough as it can be rewarding. This one-day or two-day ‘journey’ encounters the main tools and techniques required to… Read More