Willpower – Your New Super Power

Willpower- A Superpower All of it’s Own! Well how are you getting along with those resolutions? Got your CV sorted? Stopped smoking yet? Started that new spinning class you promised yourself? How about the excess weight has that started to shift? Oh and how about that nail biting? Resorted to dipping your fingertips in mustard… Read More

The Journey Away from Stress using Mindfulness

A Journey Away from Stress using Mindfulness. We know that stress is out there, and like a toxin, it is poisoning our lives both personally and professionally, impacting on those around us. In order to get through it, a journey into understanding the dread, the anxiety and patterns we fall into to try and cope needs… Read More

Self Motivation-Sinking Ship or Cruising Nicely?

Self -Motivation-Bobbing Along Buoyantly or Aboard a Sinking Ship? Hello there, how are you? How are things in your world? Finding anything difficult or challenging right now? Are you getting along quite well and feel OK in yourself? What really gets you out of bed in the morning?